Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday spirit

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!  We had a great time waking up with our little boy to open gifts and celebrate.  This year was an easy Christmas for us as far as gift giving and Archer are concerned...we have a feeling we will not be able to get away with the same in years to come!  I got Colin a home brew kit-which seems to be a really complicated science kit (as Colin calls it) but he is eager to start and figure it all out.  Colin got me a wonderful date night which includes a babysitter, dinner, and then tickets Cirque du Soleil (YAY!!!).  Our family and friends were also so generous with us this year and we are extremely grateful!

After we opened gifts and had coffee we packed up to head to Mandeville (where Colin's family lives).  Once we got to packing our overnight trip turned into three days, seeing as you have to pack the same amount regardless.  It was so nice to stay with Colin's parents!  With me in school and Colin working full-time we hardly get the chance to see them.  It was a nice couple of days spent relaxing, EATING, and getting to play with our nephew Brody who is one of the cutest babes around!  It is funny to think next Christmas there will be four babies instead of just two!

We are headed back to Mandeville again tomorrow because Colin's brother Mark and his wife Lauren will be visiting from Salt Lake City.  

Archer has continued to grow and impress us!  Everyone thinks he is very vocal for his age (he never stops talking...we have even caught him talking in his sleep).  I suppose he has some shoes to fill....and a chatterbox mom that he spends his days with and a daddy who cannot wait to talk to him and hear all about his day when he gets home from work!  He has started sucking his thumb now when he feels like it (and I hate to do this to him..but just tonight while he was in the bath he found his little pee pee and held onto it for a while-pulling it around this way and that...PRETTY FUNNY!  Don't worry, we have it on video...once again POOR GUY).  He has also been sleeping like a champ, going to bed at 9pm, waking around 5am to eat for 10 minutes and back to sleep until 8am.  It is almost too good to be true, but we are LOVING it!  

Alright, time for bed!  Have a Happy New Year!!!!!
The Kimbles

Saturday, December 20, 2008


This morning I awoke at 7:00 to a quiet house. I went into Archer's room and this is what I found...oh silent night!!!!

Video blog...

It seems every time Archer is doing something funny I always make a mad dash for the camera, never fails that this is what I get...

Archer's Playdate....

Yes, our three month old son is already having playdates! I have a friend Ellen that lives here who has a little four month old girl named Eliza. Ellen stays home full-time with Eliza and I am basically home full time with Archer. We were taking the babes to see Santa and talking about how sometimes we just want a break when we realized...we could totally have it! We decided that one day a week she would keep Archer for a couple of hours and then I would keep Eliza here another day. Turns out it is MUCH harder to leave them then we had anticipated (and we really actually do not want to leave them afterall) but they seem to have fun....when they notice each other.

The point of this blog was simply to post pictures of Archer during his playdate with his girlie friend Eliza. SO CUTE! I did catch them holding hands a couple of times too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This may seem silly, but I am sitting here at 11:00am, still drinking my first cup of coffee and yet to eat my morning bowel of oatmeal (yes I am starving), but today for some reason I have felt insanely attached to my baby boy! It is amazing how quickly he is changing and all of the new stuff he is doing, and for some reason I have been spending every second that I can exploring all of the new things he is exploring with him. Last night we laid out a big blanket (that nice orange one-thanks Steve and Sonia) on the living room floor and practiced rolling over with him. Colin was at one end, and I was at the other and we were cheering him on as he seemed completely confused by moving on his own. It's such a blessing to have him and I feel incredibly thankful for this month off with nothing to do but hang out with Archer and keep the house up. Quite honestly, it is getting me spoiled!

Oh yes, also last night after the rolling practice, Colin was giving Archer his bath. It seems Colin must have gotten it just warm enough to relax that little boy. Generally when he gets in the tub he INSTANTLY pees...which is always good for a laugh. Lately this little guy has taken to pooping about halfway through (good-bye sponge from Grandma Joe).

Archer is also HUGE! For a couple of days he got really..."thick" and then just grew about three inches over night. He now has completely outgrown all of his 0-3 month stuff, and is almost out of his 3-6 month clothing. Two nights ago during bath time Colin brought it pj's that didn't fit and thankfully we had a stash of 6 month pj's in the back of the closet. We pulled those out and they BARELY fit!!! I am getting anxious for his checkup next month to see how tall this guy is!

Ok, that is it for now, I need to hurry up and eat breakfast while Archer is napping!

Love the Kimbles.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Little Hands...

Last night a friend and I were baking cookies while Colin and his friend were watching the Saints play when I remembered we had a little high chair for Archer we had yet to get out of the closet. Colin put it together and we put Archer in it to see what he would was amazing!!! He spends time in his swing and bouncy seat swinging his hands at his toys but never really "grabbing" onto them; however, last night right when we put him in his chair and put some toys in front of him he just started grabbing away! It was almost like he wanted to show he knew what he was doing all along! He played happily in his chair for a good thirty minutes before having a massive blow out poop and being rushed to the bathtub! Above are some pictures of the little man in his new chair (now we have about six places to play while he is awake).

Hope everyone is doing great, I am really enjoying my time off (and it has only been 3 days).
Love the Kimbles

Thursday, December 11, 2008


The last post I posted was "Let it snow..everywhere but here..." This morning I woke up and was sitting in the chair feeding Archer in his room when suddenly I realized there was SNOW COVERING THE GROUND AND REALLY FALLING FROM THE SKY! I yelled for Colin really loud and he came running. We were SHOCKED! It felt like "real snow" and like being in the north again. Colin has lived in Louisiana for 11 years and this has never happened. It was so exciting that we quickly got out the video recorder and filmed this bit of history. Archer was sort of interested, but as with anything you put before a 12 week quickly becomes uninteresting. In the meantime Colin got a call from work saying that they were closed for the day. All of the schools were closed too (they do not have the equipment down here to deal with snow).

Needless to say, IT'S AWESOME! We quickly settled in and finished making ornaments and hanging them on the tree. Right now Archer is napping and Colin ventured out to get ingredient to bake cookies. We had our friend Jp and Lauren over last night to make ornaments and tonight we are having them over for cookie decorating (Archer needs to grow up...quick).

I suppose I should mention now that the snow was very short lived. It last a couple of hours and then the rain started and now it is almost all gone, but it still felt so nice to have at least one wintery day.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Love the Kimbles.
(the pictures were taken on our snowed in day)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Me at Archer's age...

Any resemblance at all...or still just his daddy's boy?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Colin or Uncle Jason?

This picture really left me wondering who our son looks times he is obviously a spitting imagine of his daddy, but since he was born I have noticed glimpses of my older brother. This particular picture really has me confused...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let it snow...

Everywhere but here please! We enjoy the snow, but it is really nice to be able to still get out and about without having to bundle up the little guy every face, it was nice to sit outside for almost an hour yesterday in our long sleeve shirts and pants...sorry everyone up north but it's true-it was BEAUTIFUL here yesterday.

In other news, Colin is staying really busy at work. He has been working karate clinics this week after work in order to get paid time off, which will be nice during the holidays! Today he stopped home quick to say hi on his way to serve jail papers to two teen boys who are violating their probation.... :)

I have my OB final on Tuesday and then I will be off for an entire month. I plan to spend that time getting Archer settled into a more definite routine (he sort of has one now, but it varies fact I hear him stirring during his supposed to be 2 hour nap...and he has been sleeping for 20 minutes). I will then go back to school mid-January to re-take my final class and finish mid March (HORRAY!!!!).

Archer and I have been staying very busy around the house. We went on our first weekend adventure as a family to visit our best friends in Mississippi for the weekend. It was so smooth and Archer was a champion (sleeping from 10-5am). It is nice to know that he is flexible (at least for now) and that we can travel with him.

I suppose that is all to update on for now, Archer is growing like a weed and starting to recognize us and pick us out of a group of people and follow our voices around-it is nice to know that the love is being returned. He is such a happy boy-despite his possible dairy allergy (mommy had to give up all tough). The ped suggested giving up all dairy for 2-3 weeks to see if that changes his symptoms and if so continue doing just that. Colin is being a tropper for his suddenly picky eating wife! Ok, ok, I should go settle him back into his nap (and study for this final). Hope all is well and that everyone is staying warm.