Saturday, December 20, 2008

Archer's Playdate....

Yes, our three month old son is already having playdates! I have a friend Ellen that lives here who has a little four month old girl named Eliza. Ellen stays home full-time with Eliza and I am basically home full time with Archer. We were taking the babes to see Santa and talking about how sometimes we just want a break when we realized...we could totally have it! We decided that one day a week she would keep Archer for a couple of hours and then I would keep Eliza here another day. Turns out it is MUCH harder to leave them then we had anticipated (and we really actually do not want to leave them afterall) but they seem to have fun....when they notice each other.

The point of this blog was simply to post pictures of Archer during his playdate with his girlie friend Eliza. SO CUTE! I did catch them holding hands a couple of times too!

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