Baby signing is super cool---and funny! We have been signing to Archer for awhile, but never very consistently...until we realized that we would like for him to be able to communicate in ways other than a very unpleasant whine-or grunt :) Once we started being consistent he INSTANTLY starting signing back--like "why didn't you guys have faith in me..." Needless to say, he now signs: more, eat, brush teeth, nurse (his personal favorite I am convinced--and the one he looks the cutest signing), bye bye (which means he is tired of being stuck inside and would like to go out to his pool or on an outing--and generally he signs bye bye while standing at the side door)=and then does some other cute "so big" and "high five" gestures. Tonight at dinner we did a run through of the list and he did one sign after the other, very cute--followed by a huge PROUD smile! calls me back suddenly!
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