Friday, September 11, 2009

One week from One...

Oh my dear Archie boy...

My how time flies (I instantly have tears in my eyes...)!!!  I am not "sad" that you my sweet boy are going to now be a "toddler" but soooo thrilled that I am mama to such a wonderful boy.  Everything you do, and everything about it is something to be adored by your daddy and I.  Often times I worry about you when you are grown up, and about you making the right decisions-but your dad reminds me that you cannot rebel against true love---and son YOU ARE LOVED!  Just tonight we took our Friday night bike ride to Zippy's burrito shop like we have been doing for the past few months.  We sat and watched you the entire time while you "acted a fool" and did anything you could to make us laugh....anything!  The best part is-you know you are funny.  It seems like more and more you do things to make us laugh and if we don't notice--you laugh for us!  I love your sense of humor and the fact that you are always looking for a good laugh or a way to light up the room!  Tonight at dinner you were also eyeing the lady in the booth next to us.  You were laughing and smiling with her and to see the joy in her heart that you had caused just about made me lose it!  You are the sweetest/happiest little soul.  At one point during your dinner "ham it up" session your dad and I caught each others glance (yes, for a moment all attention was diverted away from you--perhaps this is when you made initial contact with the cute girl next to us)-and it was magical.  The two of us made one happy little you!  There are times where you are in the other room and I hear your laughter (for some reason hitting Jonezy..softly...makes you laugh hysterically).  Boy oh boy of mine, you melt me!

New things this month:  not much stepping action, you def. prefer to crawl and almost resist any motivation to walk.  You say several things, lets see: mommom, meme, dada, dad, or daddy, Jonezy (Ja ja), UP (which means up, out, done, etc) and is super cute because you are uhP, bike (which is biph...the ph sound instead of k), duck (dut), dog, bye bye, just tonight I asked if you were ready to go night night and you said "ni ni", book bath and every other random thing that starts with "b" is ba, ball ball ball, "bob" when you want a sippy cup, you shake your head no for things you know you aren't supposed to do, and when daddy tells the dogs to "get out" of the kitchen while we are eating you LOVE to replay his actions by pointing your finger and saying "ge  ut".  You are still signing eat, more, bath, brush teeth, finished, etc.  MR. SMARTY PANTS!  There are several other things you do that clue us in to your intelligence-like your love for reading...well "reading".   You crawl into your room at any given time and simply sit and flip through book after book-always oriented the correct way, in fact we test you!  While you read you will call out things in the picture, balls, dogs, etc.  Other times when you cannot say what you are looking at you simply read the book "apica pica pica".

Just tonight I was nursing you to sleep and thought I was going to melt away.  Holding you there in my arms so snuggley and warm---is bliss!  You boy are about to be a TODDLER and I cannot wait for all of the fun we have ahead of us!!!  

I love you so much.
-Your mom mom.


tyne said...

I love that my best friend is also an amazing mother.

Cassie said...

Ok so maybe catching up on your blog wasn't a good thing to do with all the pregnancy emotions b/c I am sitting here crying!!! You are the best mom ever, duh! And all I can say is, why the heck do you think I am on my third munchkin, it isn't b/c I like being pregnant or birthing them!!! :)