Needless to say, this morning I woke up and realized that there is the month of August that we can go ahead and say is safe/no baby coming, and then on to September where the final preparations/waiting begins. NUTS! I have one more month with just my sweet baby boy and I before we will work together to grow up another one!!!
In other news, we have a "follow-up" ultrasound on Monday. While getting our 20 week ultrasound the tech continuously went back to the heart and when I asked her about it she said because of the babies position she was having a hard time visualizing the outflow of the heart. Needless to say...I worried for a bit and sort of forgot to worry. Last night Colin and I were watching tv and there was a baby born with an undiagnosed congenital heart was horrible and devastating and reminded me of the inconclusive findings...THEREFORE, we are going to go on Monday just to be sure everything is ok---especially since the amazing hospital here we are delivering at doesn't have a NICU should something go awry.
ok, archer is up!!
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