Thursday, November 18, 2010

must blog..must blog...

All day I have literally been walking around in somewhat of a daze...Holden does not like sleep. It's that simple, wait, he does, but only in my arms snuggled up next to me! While it was sweet and easy, I really enjoy hanging out with Colin at the end of the day...I really love putting the boys to bed around 8 and having time to play cards, watch a movie, be a couple. Therefore, I have decided to stop putting Holden in bed with us at night. You see, we are currently living in a very cozy two bedroom apartment--which I LOVE-but would love for Holden to have his own room...not our room. Do you know how hard it is to sit up and nurse him IN MY BED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!?!? The whole problem started just like that and now here we are...

ARCHER...let's talk about sweet Archer. He is an absolute joy. He loves his brother, LOVES his brother! Evil is horrible, and on occasion I watch my sweet boy suddenly get this look on his face and then decide to do something terrible or misbehave somehow. Yesterday he was standing by me while I had Holden laying on my lap when I saw his little wheel turn and the look come over him like, "ah this!" He then went to hit Holden and for some reason I remained calm. Attempt one, attempt two (Colin is sitting on the couch and just said, "babe I just love our boys so much") let me be more specific...little chubby arm up-a look at me like here it goes, chubby arm down towards baby brother and STOP...he tried 4 times and couldn't do it! I was AMAZED. He genuinely loves this little guy of ours and cannot stand the thought of hurting him, even when he really wants to!!! That my friends is love in a two year old form!

Other than that, Archie talks nonstop and is saying the most amazing things. One of my favorite new expressions, "no thank you please." There are soooo many different ideas about "how to parent" and really Archer was the easiest kid until he hit 22 months. Therefore, parenting has taken on a new role. Archer is still super sweet and spends him time in the church nursery passing toys around to kids and being so loving (I know this because I still haven't let him in the nursery...I'm the annoying mom that just sits by). Part of the reason I sit tight is because I really want to give him immediate consequences if he mistreats someone. I'm not ready to let him get away with being ugly to other kids without knowing that isn't how we treat people and he isn't going to get away with it---call me overbearing (which I wholeheartedly admit I am) but I just have a tough time seeing that side of kids. Blah blah blah, SO-there was a point of mentioning all of this! Tonight Archer went to play with our sweet one year old nephew Crew. Crew and Archer see each other at least once everyday...since May. They sort of act more like siblings at this point! Archer and Crew were playing and Archer discovered his "bee's" soccer ball. He was super excited and enjoying it when Crew crawled over and said "please." Lots of different philosophies on sharing/making kids share, etc. The rule for us (and we were 6 strong) was that you didn't have to share, but not to expect people to share in return--which makes sense! We have tried to tell Archer though, if someone asks you nicely if they can have a turn then you let them have a turn! It's a great feeling to make someone happy by letting them enjoy the same thing you enjoy! Of course, Archer was not in the mood to share today..Crew said please, Archie replied by saying "it's Archie's baby Crew" in a really sweet/innocent/I'm not giving this up voice. SHUCKS! I reminded Archer that Crew asked nicely and if he wasn't going to share then we would go home---no reason to be in someone else's company if you're not going to enjoy it...Archer said, ok...and left. SHUCKS! We got back to our apt and he wanted me to play soccer ball with him--I said no, he hadn't wanted to share so he could enjoy not sharing and play by himself. He kicked his ball around for awhile and then said, "sorry baby Crew, mommy give Crew a turn please." AHHHHHH...HORRAY!!!!! I love that boy. Quickly we went back and he lowered his little self to Crew's level, apologized, and handed over the ball..they then got to enjoy the JOY of sharing something with someone and played back and forth for a moment.

OH MY! Time to enjoy my husband--who finally convinced Holden it was bedtime!

I will update more frequently...I need to to remember moments because with two they seem to pass quick!!!

The Kimbles.

1 comment:

rachel.lyn said...

i feel you on the night situation! last night i laid willow down in her crib (the first time at night!) and i couldn't believe it but she went to sleep! and i thought…"ahhh…two girls in their rooms, asleep. and it's 8pm. time to RELAX!" she was only in there about 45 minutes to an hour before she woke up. sigh…i guess it's a start!

oh, and i quit sitting up to nurse her in the middle of the night! i just lay on my side! sooo much easier :)