Friday, July 30, 2010

baby on da brain...

It is absolutely crazy how time can either drag or FLY! Colin and I were remarking a few weeks ago that it feels like I have been pregnant forever! The second time around isn't filled with all of the emotions you go through the first time--not to mention the period you spend simply trying to wrap your mind around the fact that you are indeed pregnant! The second time that sinks in pretty quick--and really you spend the time just excited...which when waiting anxiously for something 9 months is quite some time!!! In that time, for example, we have moved across the nation....

Needless to say, this morning I woke up and realized that there is the month of August that we can go ahead and say is safe/no baby coming, and then on to September where the final preparations/waiting begins. NUTS! I have one more month with just my sweet baby boy and I before we will work together to grow up another one!!!

In other news, we have a "follow-up" ultrasound on Monday. While getting our 20 week ultrasound the tech continuously went back to the heart and when I asked her about it she said because of the babies position she was having a hard time visualizing the outflow of the heart. Needless to say...I worried for a bit and sort of forgot to worry. Last night Colin and I were watching tv and there was a baby born with an undiagnosed congenital heart was horrible and devastating and reminded me of the inconclusive findings...THEREFORE, we are going to go on Monday just to be sure everything is ok---especially since the amazing hospital here we are delivering at doesn't have a NICU should something go awry.

ok, archer is up!!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a shame indeed...

Ok: top picture is belly with Archie, bottom picture is belly with baby #2.

I am terrible at blogging. Rest assured, I do keep a journal for Archer and new babe, plus a very handsome baby book for each---but STILL, I need to stay on top of this! I think I avoid blogging mostly because every time I sit down to blog too much has changed and I must face the reality that my baby boy is actually starting to become quite the big boy!

Archer is the best. I think every night after we put him to bed Colin says, "I just love our kid so much," or "our kid is honestly the best." And he is! He is a joy, and sweet and super duper silly! Lately he has started saying "oh my goodness" and "oh my gosh" which is pretty darn funny. He is obsessed with all things boy, jumping, running, falling down, rocks, dirt, sticks, water, SHOVELS..etc. Everywhere we go he must have a "scoop" aka shovel in hand (in case there is something to scoop of course). I'm going to go ahead and say I think it is about 90% nature, 10% nurture at this point! We have the boat here now and Colin has been getting off of work early lately (with three day weekends) so we have been spending lots of time at the beach/lake boating and playing. Archer of course is in HEAVEN with scoops, sand, buckets, and an occasional boat ride!

The baby is a BUSY baby. It is strange too that I am carrying this baby MUCH differently. Now, I haven't jumped to conclusions that this means GIRL...because I know all pregnancies are different, I am simply remarking on the difference. It probably also helps that this baby is currently posterior. Archer's little butt was always pushing up on my ribs and I was terribly round with him, but this time this babe seems much lower. Perhaps in the weeks to come as it runs out of room I will bite my tongue and once again have a little butt pushing up against my ribs!!! Not a whole lot to do for a second baby when you don't know the sex and also plan on moving a month or so after the babe comes. No nursery, no shopping, etc! BUT, I think the second time around having a baby is much more exciting---you know the goodness that comes along with a baby!

Ok, that was just a quick update, I am going to work on blogging more---but I do always say that!!!

-Love the Kimbles