Friday, September 18, 2009

cloth diaper update...

Alright, as promised, for my friends and family who are either cloth diapering or about to start, here is my review of the diapers we have...

From top to bottom and left to right it goes:  (almost all are one size diapers)

The first two diapers are "cloth diaper wholesale" diapers.  These diapers were very reasonably priced ($10 for white, $12 for colored) and very wonderful.  The stuff in the front which is interesting, but with a baby boy very helpful (I am able to do an extra fold over in the front for added dryness).  Bang for the buck I would DEFINITELY suggest having a few of these in your collection!  They have never leaked for us, and we often use them as our overnight diaper of choice (right behind Bumgenius all-in-ones).  They are adorable and the woman that sells that is very friendly and helpful!  They fit wonderfully and have two snaps on either side to secure.  The size is adjustable the same way most other one size diapers are and that is by the snaps down the front.  They are able to get incredibly small and seem like one of the most practical diapers for newborns.

The next three diapers are our "Fuzzibunz."  I would ALMOST say these are my favorite, or the ones I always reach for (while probably being Colin's least favorite...all of the snaps).  I love how perfectly they fit Archer and they seem to be rather "slim fitting".  Fuzzi bunz have been around forever, and I believe were one of the first cutting edge diaper companies so they know what they are doing!  The size varies incredibly and several different ways: there is an internal elastic piece you can use to make the diaper tighter around the legs as well as the snap down front AND this diaper (unlike any of the others) is available with a "hip snap" (hence Colin's hatred for all of the snaps).  This diaper is not as "user friendly" as the bumgenius option, but I think it is by far the best looking and best fitting diaper we have.  We have NEVER had a leak!!!  We dont often use these for overnight seeing as they are slim and we would prefer to have them clean to use during the day.  Also, Archer could not get out of these if he tried!  Overall, Fuzzi bunz are def. in our top three!!!

The next four in line are Happy Heiny's.  I bought four of these after reading reviews, and wish I I hadn't bought any.  I really do not like or Happy Heiny's and would be willing to trade or sell them to just about anybody.  One of my friends really really liked them for her newborn and said they were her favorite on her little girl for the first few months.  For us they are very BULKY (I need to get different inserts) and almost always leak!  We probably should change his diaper more often (we only change him 4 times a day usually) but we don't have the leaking problem with any other diapers.  When we use a HH we must change him often and generally try not to put one on him before going out.  Not only are they very bulky the velcro tabs are rather large and almost look to be uncomfortable on his chubby tummy.  The tabs are available in velcro or snaps (the first navy blue one is the snap option) and I prefer the snaps.  The velcro is SUPER easy for Archer to get off and unless he has pants over them he will instantly take the diaper off (he is even able to get it unhooked with clothes on).  They dont fit well, are bulky, and often leak which makes this choice our least favorite.

Next in line (second row) are "Rocky Mountain Diapers".  The woman who sells the wholesale cloth diapers also sells these.  The Rocky Mountain diapers are super cute with a colored liner on the inside.  They seem to be of less quality than most of the other diapers, but have never let us down!  I like the sizing system tons!  To adjust the tightness around the legs there is an elastic strip that has snaps so you simply pull the elastic until you get the desired "squeeze" and then snap it in place, really wonderful!  Overall, very cute and fit nicely!  I would recommend these for sure!

Following the Rocky Mountain Diapers are the "Haute" diapers.  These diapers are WONDERFUL!!!  They are very similar to Bumgenius but are bigger (can use them for much longer).  Actually if you look at the picture the ones after the Haute are Bumgenius and you can see the size difference!  We love the Haute diapers and have no had a single issue with them.  We also generally use these for bedtime and are very satisfied customers!  They are available in snap or velcro tabs and we have one of each. 

Next up, Bumgenius.  Bumgenius is a great company and I really believe they have the right concept, it seems to be their goal is making cloth diapering the logical choice, based on ease of use and affordability.  Bumgenius just released two new brands of diaper-one called Flip, and the other "Econobum".  With Econobum they claim you can cloth diaper from birth to potty training for $100.  I am really dying for them to release either so we can get our hands on them (when we do I will be sure to post something).  For now, we have the Bumgenius all in one, and the Bumgenius one size.  We almost always use our all in ones for bedtime (with an extra insert).  Because the insert it fastened in it seems like the most logical solution to a moving baby moving around that insert allowing the diaper to leak.  I love the all in one's and if it didn't make more sense financially to buy one size fits all I would only own Bumgenius all in ones!  On the other hand, our bumgenius one size diapers are great.  They fit perfectly (but are our smallest diapers by far---I am not sure how long he will be able to wear them, although they look to get very tiny for a newborn).  The biggest beef I have with them is that the only option (unless you go organic) is velcro.  We have washed ours a handful of times and already the velcro is crummy, not to mention....Archer ALWAYS takes them off!  If this diaper had a snap option it would be one of my favorites for sure!!!  Bumgenius has no plans to make a snap option available because their new "Flip" diaper is essentially that.  I would def. suggest having a couple of these in your stash, but the all in one's and the one size fits all (all in twos).

The next two are "Whammies".  I feel 100% neutral about these diapers!  The first one has an interesting way to close, with little clasps, that Archer wouldn't be able to figure out--even at the age of 3!!!!  I imagine as he gets older I will begin to reach for that diaper more often than now.  The other is a snap closure.  I enjoy these diapers, I wouldn't buy anymore, but do enjoy  the ones we have.  

Last on the list, Smartipants.  I LOVE our smartipants diapers, they are the trimmest next to Fuzzibunz.  Smartipants insert is open at the front and the back and the insert comes out on its own in the wash (no need to touch a pee soaked cloth just simply throw it in the wash machine and it finds its way out).  These are our newest diaper so that is all I have to report so far (not to mention I am fairly tired of typing...)

That is it for now, I will write more as the times goes by.  All in all, it is essential to have some wholesale cloth diapers, Bumgenius, and Fuzzibunz on your collection!!!

One year ago today..

One year ago today I was blessed to welcome a sweet little boy into my arms.  Since that day I have learned more about life than I could have imagined.  I was telling someone last night that every cliche thing people say about having children is true, but the truest of all is the saying "having a child will change your life forever."  Not only does it change your life, but it teaches you all of the best things about life.  Archer has taught me more about myself and how to live than any old wise man could.  Live simply and live happily!  I remember shortly after Archie was born Colin went away for the weekend to play some shows.  There was some band drama etc and Colin came home, scooped up Archer and said, "this is JOY, this is what life is about."  It's true.  Life is still good---and our buddy boy reminds us of that.  Everyday is about trying to have fun.  You always hear people say that after they have a baby they almost instantly "don't remember what we did before the baby."  SOOOO TRUE...we have no idea what we used to do, besides get a whole bunch of sleep!  

Last night we welcomed lots of our best friends into town and Colin suggested having a conversation about what we have all learned in the past year.  We have a best friend from Washington that recently got divorced, some best friends that just recently got married, we had a kid, and our other best friends just finished school/are on the brink of deciding what to do and where to go.  We haven't had the conversation yet, but I asked Colin what he has learned.  He said, "that I don't matter."  He didn't mean it in the pity party way, he meant it in the way that having kids is always putting someone before you...a very humbling experience indeed!!!  

Ok, party is on, birthday boy just woke up from his nap!!!

Needless to say, having a kid is the best thing I have done all year, and the most rewarding thing I have done to date (blah blah cliche cliche), but thank god for the lessons I have learned! 

Monday, September 14, 2009

new words...

Today Archer started saying three new words...

"Hot" which is "aut"
"Yuck" which is "ut"
and my personal favorite "Ouch" which is "out"

there is something beyond adorable in seeing a little, not even walking, baby bump into something and say, "out" while looking at you with a furrowed brow...

Colin went to New Orleans for the Saints game today and had a blast, at least I think he did--he got home from the game at about 6:15pm, and I scooted out of the door around 6:25pm for work. I missed Colin like he had been on tour for two months today, it was weird. I always enjoy having him around (unless Archer is napping---then I LOVE alone/quiet time) but today was Sunday, and a football day, and it felt beyond wrong not to have Colin in the kitchen cooking chicken wings with the game on our little TV way too loud! There is something to be said for the whole "opposites attrack" theory---that man continues to blow my mind daily.

I will work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and then we will prepare for the arrival of guests on Thursday and Friday, CELEBRATE Archer's birthday on Friday, and then have his party on Saturday!!! HORRAY!

Archer continues to crawl to just about every window in the house looking for his "biph", which if if he is in the back of the house he can see in the has rained now for about 3-4 days and he is having a horrible time adjusting to no biph rides---therefore, I took him out yesterday and today in the drizzle...not enjoyable for me but seeing him happy made me happy so it worked!

We got him a few fun things for his birthday-and Grandma Jo pitched in and helped up buy him a "Cozy and Tidy Cottage" which has a mailbox, doorbell, and telephone. I have a feeling that he is going to LOVE it and that his cottage in the backyard will compete with biph rides!

If you are reading this and wanting to get Archer something for his birthday and wondering what to get (since I have had several inquiries) the follow are some ideas:

*Clothes (even though his fall wardrobe is fattening up-size 18-24 months (if it is short sleeves I would get 24 months, he will be able to wear it over long sleeves in the winter and it will still fit when summer hits---hopefully)

*Shoes-size 4, or size 18-24 months

*Books and CD's. We have a CD in the car that we listen to NONSTOP--and in fact when he starts fussing in the car we play it and he generally stops. HE LOVES TO READ (board books).

*Art supplies. Crayons, paints, brushes, canvas, etc.

*Anything else you think he would enjoy! He really likes pretty much everything. A couple of weeks ago we went to his girlfriend Eliza's bday party and he loved everything she got, in fact, he was REALLY into her presents!!!

Archer has blond CURLS at the nape of his neck, that get REALLY curly outside, and A CURL ON THE TOP OF HIS HEAD!!! He looks like a cupee doll. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

One week from One...

Oh my dear Archie boy...

My how time flies (I instantly have tears in my eyes...)!!!  I am not "sad" that you my sweet boy are going to now be a "toddler" but soooo thrilled that I am mama to such a wonderful boy.  Everything you do, and everything about it is something to be adored by your daddy and I.  Often times I worry about you when you are grown up, and about you making the right decisions-but your dad reminds me that you cannot rebel against true love---and son YOU ARE LOVED!  Just tonight we took our Friday night bike ride to Zippy's burrito shop like we have been doing for the past few months.  We sat and watched you the entire time while you "acted a fool" and did anything you could to make us laugh....anything!  The best part is-you know you are funny.  It seems like more and more you do things to make us laugh and if we don't notice--you laugh for us!  I love your sense of humor and the fact that you are always looking for a good laugh or a way to light up the room!  Tonight at dinner you were also eyeing the lady in the booth next to us.  You were laughing and smiling with her and to see the joy in her heart that you had caused just about made me lose it!  You are the sweetest/happiest little soul.  At one point during your dinner "ham it up" session your dad and I caught each others glance (yes, for a moment all attention was diverted away from you--perhaps this is when you made initial contact with the cute girl next to us)-and it was magical.  The two of us made one happy little you!  There are times where you are in the other room and I hear your laughter (for some reason hitting Jonezy..softly...makes you laugh hysterically).  Boy oh boy of mine, you melt me!

New things this month:  not much stepping action, you def. prefer to crawl and almost resist any motivation to walk.  You say several things, lets see: mommom, meme, dada, dad, or daddy, Jonezy (Ja ja), UP (which means up, out, done, etc) and is super cute because you are uhP, bike (which is biph...the ph sound instead of k), duck (dut), dog, bye bye, just tonight I asked if you were ready to go night night and you said "ni ni", book bath and every other random thing that starts with "b" is ba, ball ball ball, "bob" when you want a sippy cup, you shake your head no for things you know you aren't supposed to do, and when daddy tells the dogs to "get out" of the kitchen while we are eating you LOVE to replay his actions by pointing your finger and saying "ge  ut".  You are still signing eat, more, bath, brush teeth, finished, etc.  MR. SMARTY PANTS!  There are several other things you do that clue us in to your intelligence-like your love for reading...well "reading".   You crawl into your room at any given time and simply sit and flip through book after book-always oriented the correct way, in fact we test you!  While you read you will call out things in the picture, balls, dogs, etc.  Other times when you cannot say what you are looking at you simply read the book "apica pica pica".

Just tonight I was nursing you to sleep and thought I was going to melt away.  Holding you there in my arms so snuggley and warm---is bliss!  You boy are about to be a TODDLER and I cannot wait for all of the fun we have ahead of us!!!  

I love you so much.
-Your mom mom.