Sunday, August 2, 2009

The things that kid can SAY!

Within the last week and half it seems like Archer has changed a ton.  He now stands almost all of the time, and either uses props (coffee table, walls, etc) to get around-or his handy dandy cart and push toy.  He also started saying quite a few words---very suddenly!  He now still says, and very clear: "mom mom" "da da" and even says "daddy" every now and then, "ball"--he has a little pink and little purple ball that he carries around with him everywhere-he even sleeps with them..and if he doesn't have them he will wander around the house saying "ball...ball" until he gets them from us or finds them.  He is also saying "uh oh" and "no" which sounds more like na, "jonezy" which is always whispered and sounds more like "juh juh".  There are several other things that he will say the beginning sound for, like book and baby are "b".  He has also taken a liking to kissing things..which is interesting.  He is constantly giving him stuffed animal toys kisses, and even surprises us with kisses out of the blue.  Just this morning I asked for a kiss and was attempting to get it on the cheek (I have a horrible cold) when he pulled my mouth towards him and planted one right on my lips. 

Life in the Kimble house is awesome (and will be much better once we get over our horrible colds and Archer gets that tooth in he has been working on---which will make 5)

Oh yes, and First Birthday Party planning...what the heck?!?!?

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