Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I am predicting..

this blog will soon be interrupted. Archer is still sleeping and it is 9:20am. The funny thing about being a mom is the wave of feelings I have with him sleeping so worry (is everything ok...and peek in to be certain it is), you relax, you obsess over your unborn babe, and then you start feeling guilty for the list of things you could be doing instead of blogging and drinking a cup of joe--truth be told--this is lovely.

Archer is insane...and an adult. Ha, someone asked me how he was the other day and I replied that he just celebrated his 18th birthday and was moving out this weekend..NUTS how quickly they go from being such a sweet helpless baby, to your helpful fit throwing toddler. Archer needs to help with everything I am doing...EVERYTHING-which makes basically nothing a "simple" task--yesterday after "washing the dishes" the entire floor was soaked (easy enough to quickly clean up right???). I agree with my friend Ellen who said now is sort of our time to shine as a parent and to make decisions really really matter for our kids! I owe Archer more patience than I have and more time than any task is worth--and that's being a mom.

Archie is "daddy's buddy" and a self proclaimed "mommy's helper". He has a funny quirk of labeling pretty much everything as belonging to someone. He is sweet. He loves to greet everything, "HIIIIII Jonezy" when we get home. Even when leaving the car to run into the store he says, "bye bye car mommy's daddy's." The other day we were at the store and this guy was sort of standing in the middle of the aisle and Archer said in a really sweet voice "beep beep." The guy and I couldn't stop laughing...pretty cute. This time is soooo sacred to me as we await the arrival of number two! Archie has become insanely attached to me--I say have at it! Someday he will break my heart as he journeys away from me and SOMEHOW survives bedtime with his mama ;) This attachment goes from day long requests to "hold you"...and to anytime we are driving in the car he asks "hand...hand please..mamas hand" to which I shove my hand in the back seat and he tucks his sweet little chubby hand into mine--and usually smiles. THIS KID!

Another happening as of late is his persistent response of "NO". I am really working on getting him to say "no thanks" and to use no when asked something that it's ok for him to reply no. Sometimes we resort to the time out seat---which we tell him is taking a break and he actually will sit there no questions asked until he is released! Yesterday was ever so challenging. "Archer let's get your shoes on and go to the park!" "NO"..."You mean no thanks?" "No thanks"..."ok, well let's put your shoes on and go outside and play with the rocks and dirt!" "NO"..."you mean no thanks?" "no thanks." Ok...(insert a million different favorite activities here...all responded to with a sharp "know it all" NO). fun.

It's also funny to see his language develop--we are shocked daily with his influx of language. He is trying so hard to talk in sentences and sometimes makes a word salad much longer than the simple sentence he was seeking! The other night we put him to bed and he just babbled forever, "Jonezy bark hush good girl, daddy buddy, book mama read it, have it ba ba BIG BIG ba ba (he generally asks for all things BIG BIG), hurt owie, poop...poop..." so I decide to go in there because surely something is up and sure enough he has pooped! We change his diaper and rock a little bit then back to bed...once again "poop, MAMA POOP, POOP!!! BIG BOY POOP." Hmmm...the next night at bedtime the "poop" scheme was tested again.

Ok, time to get buddy up I think. I am DYING to meet this baby and never thought I would be this obsessed!!!! Turns out the second time is 10 times as exciting because there isn't the hesitation about what to expect...well sort of..

The Kimbles

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